
Does Christ play a role in your life?

That's a good question Josh. I'd say very little at this point. I steer away from religion simply because it serves a divisive tool for many, and I have many questions about faith and different religious practices and even biblical stories that I tend to disagree with.

It really is a struggle with me in my life right now because I'm not sure I believe in "the word" or the story of Jesus Christ, BUT the beauty of life and nature have convinced me that there is a God that cares for us and looks out for our best interests and creates our destiny for a reason.

I don't believe in hell, because I don't believe God died for us and would send us to a pool of fire if we did not please him. I don't believe in an angry, vengeful God looking down on us, judging us for our every mistake. I believe simply that God is love whether you pray to Buddah, Muhammad, or any other God. I don't believe any one religion is "right" or greater than the other.

Great question though Josh. I'd love to talk to you about it sometime and flush some things out and see why you believe the things you do. I know Christ is a big part of your life.

Ask me anything

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